Have you ever research how you can make a folder which can't be deleted.
The following steps will not only help you to create a folder that can’t be deleted but also can’t be renamed:

How To Create Undeletable Folder In Windows.

  1. First, click on Start.
  2. Type run in search box and click on Run . A new window will open.
  3. Now type cmd in the box and press Enter. A new window will open again.
  4. Type the name of drive you wish to create your folder.
  5. If you wish to create the undeleteable folder in D drive then Type D: and press Enter.
  6. Now type the command as: md con\ and press Enter .
  7. Folder created that can not be rename or deleted .
  8. Also Read: How to make an invisible folder on windows
  9. You can use other words instead con\ as given below:
  10.      aux\

How to delete undeletable folder:

  1. First, click on Start.
  2. Type run in search box and click on Run . A new window will open.
  3. Now type cmd in the box and press Enter. A new window will open again.
  4. Type the name of drive you wish to delete your folder.
  5. If you wish to create the delete folder in D drive then Type D: and press Enter.
  6. Now type the command as: rd con\ (instead con type your folder name) and press Enter .
  7. Folder deleted .